Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Finally Got It Together...

I have finally got my act together and started my weight loss program...took me long enough! I have all sorts of "reasons" I didn't start sooner, but of corse they are all B.S. Finding motivation lately has been difficult and tiresome. I'm not quite sure if it's just because I am scared to fail or if it's because I am scared to change. I think it's both to be brutally honest. HA...brutally honest...yep, thats me in a nut shell.

Life has been hectic with my kids lately, the both of them have been sick a lot this winter, and now my oldest has to have surgery. It's minor, but still worrisome to me. And that is another "reason", am I good at making excuses or what?! Luckily, I have the greatest husband ever who is willing to take this journey yet again with me. And this time he is a participant!!

His employer has started a "pound for pound" challenge, where for every pound lost by their employees the company donates the equal amount in pounds of food donated to local food shelves. My husband came up with the idea that he would join the challenge at work, and I can do it right along side. My weight loss doesn't count toward his employers donation, but it's nice to have a helping hand along my way. Especially since it's a hand that I have held through thick and thin for 15 years.

Well, we completed week #1 this morning and I am proud to announce that I lost 4 pounds and my hubby lost 6.5! I am so very proud of our accomplishment! Although the grocery budget has expanded to rediculous amounts, it's going to be worth every penny to see the pounds come off. Now all I have to do is stay motivated and positive, which is the hardest part of any endeavor I seem to take on. I've lost weight before, and with great success...but I've also given up and gained it all back too.

So, we start week #2 a few pounds lighter and a little what? Well, I have been researching different websites for low fat, high fiber recipes that loosely mirror Weight Watchers points system. I did find a great one in my googling and binging for recipes that don't conjur the taste the cardboard at the mere reading of them, Gina's Skinny Recipes Blog, is a winner in my book. I have already made a few of her recipes and they were FANTASTIC! I'm already following her on FaceBook as well :) Go check out Gina's blog and discover some YUMMY food...I recommend her recipe for Sweet Barbacoa was delightfully awesome and the whole faily loved it.

Well, it's been fun but that's about all I have for this week...stay tuned for future post's

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